Meg Beeler is an internationally known author, shamanic healer, and Energy Alchemy, expert. She translates ancient wisdom into simple practices for connecting with the power of nature, spirit, and the cosmos. She is the author of Weave the Heart of the Universe into Your Life.
This conversation is about energy, alignment, healing and grounding ourselves at this time.
In this podcast:
- To experience you’re not alone, you’re not separate
- Creating a rich life from the integration and grounding
- Releasing density and stuckness and taking in other kinds of energy
- Releasing energy without having to identify it
- Alignment and resonance
- Aligning belly, heart and third eye and working not only from sacred power but from heart and vision
- Becoming fluid in life
- Focus on the joy body
Inspired Round Q&A:
- Most Inspiring Book-
- Favorite Song-
- She listens to the birds and sounds of nature
- Percussion to help her brain go into a theta state
- Bach
- Best Resource-
- Meditation with the earth and the cosmos
- Direct revelation from nature and the universe
- Uses Shamanic journeying to ask questions and get clarification and guidance
- Surprising Fact About Meg-
- She’s hiked to 17,500ft in the Andes
- Daughter adopted from Honduras when she was a single mom
- Most Important Thing to Know About Meg-
- She holds sacred space for people’s joyful connection, their soul healing and finding their luminous presence and she tries to model those things.
Interview Links:
- Book:
- Website:
- Facebook:
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